
Save vaping. Last Chance

Save vaping. Last Chance

Please contact your representative and senators today: Cole-Bishop needs a push.

If you're new to vaping, or even a relatively experienced vaper you might be unaware of just how many times vape has nearly been prohibited over the last 10 years, both in the US and internationally.

Vape survives today only because of the actions of thousands of people like you who step up when asked. Today is one of those days and CASAA has issued a call to action:

Call and urge your Senators and Representative to support Cole-Bishop's inclusion in the 2017 budget!

It's incredibly easy to find the contact details for your representative and senators:

For your representative, go here and enter your zip

For your senators, go here and choose your state

Talking points:

Urge them to support the Cole-Bishop language in the 2017 US budget bill

If the predicate date for vapour products is not modernized, nearly all vapour products will be wiped off the market in 2018. Many businesses will start closing down this year.

The FDA will still have the authority to regulate vapour products and common sense regulations like no sales or marketing to minor will remain unchanged.

If you have time, briefly, tell your story about how vaping has helped you.

When you've finished please visit CASAA's Website, to send an email with just one click!


Last year the FDA issued its Deeming regulation, which will see almost all vaping products removed from the market at some point next year. It's a draconian move that shoehorns vapour products into tobacco regulations and treats them identically to deadly cigarettes.

The Cole-Bishop amendment is a bipartisan effort to ensure that the products that were on the market in August last year can remain on the market in the future.

Make no mistake, without this amendment, almost all vapour products, hardware and vape juice will be gone at the end of next year.

If you want to be able to continue to vape the products you love, please do take action today!

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