VApril Is Go - 2023

VApril Is Go - 2023

SMOKERS are being encouraged to vape this April by taking part in the UK's official, and world's largest, Vaping Awareness Month.

Now in its sixth year, VApril aims to spread awareness and champion the benefits of vaping over tobacco, while highlighting it is 95% less harmful than smoking, according to the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities.

Organised by the UK's Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) and originally launched by TV doctor Dr Christian Jessen, star of Channel 4's Embarrassing Bodies, VApril is the largest vaping education campaign in the world. 

Like the longrunning Stoptober Campaign, which supports smokers in their efforts to quit smoking, throughout the month of April, the VVApril Campaign offers a wealth of information - providing guidance and resources to encourage smokers looking to make a life-changing switch to vaping.

Help is on hand for smokers to join the estimated 4.3million who have already taken the plunge with the carefully-curated VApril website which offers advice about finding the right vaping device, flavours and nicotine strengths to give them the best chance to kick their cigarette habit for good.

A five-step 'Start Vaping, Stop Smoking' guide designed by experts and clearly sets out how to make a successful switch is also available to download.

For those wanting some face-to-face advice and expertise, hundreds of vape shops across the nation, both on the high street and online, have signed up to take part in the now internationally-recognised campaign. are in huge support of VApril

The VApril online hub and right here at, experts can answer a wealth of questions from both smokers and seasoned vapers, looking for ongoing support, including information on flavours and brands, which coils are best, advanced vaping products, nicotine strength advice - including cutting down - and advice on sticking to a plan.

There is also a new 2023 guide on vaping responsibly - from how you can take a conscientious approach to vaping in public to disposing of your device in an environmentally-friendly way.

Videos and stories from ex-smokers who have successfully made the switch to vaping, and haven't looked back, are also online and will be shared across UKVIA's social media throughout the month, to help serve as inspiration for those taking part.

And with only 34% of adults who smoke accurately believing vaping was less harmful than smoking in 2021, according to a government review, there are plenty of facts and figures to address any concerns or queries participants may have.

The official launch of VApril took place at UK Parliament this week where UKVIA unveiled their initiative of 'Accelerating The Prevention Of Underage and Illicit Sales Of Vape in the UK' to government.

Speaking about the campaign VApril, UKVIA's John Dunne highlighted the fact more needs to be done to educate smokers and non-smokers on the benefits of vaping, as certain corners of the media continue to publish 'unsubstantiated and misleading research' to create clickbait headlines.

He said:

"[VApril has] continued to go from strength to strength and is now an initiative that has been adopted worldwide. It's our industry's version of Stoptober and it works."

"Research by One Poll shows that 1 in 5 smokers have heard of VApril with 72% of these saying the campaign had influenced them to switch to vaping. It's something that we are rightly proud of at the UKVIA."

"Ongoing education is vital in helping smokers to successfully quit through turning to vaping."

"Research time and time again has evidenced that vaping is the most effective way to quit, much more so than nicotine patches and gums."

"And the need for education is greater than ever before with many segments of the media, as well as highly questionable, unsubstantiated, and misleading research, putting serious doubts into the minds of smokers looking to quit their habits by switching to vapes, as well as those who have already managed to give up through vaping."

"We continue to see regular research and news stories with no backbone."

"Research which says vaping could or may lead to health issues. Stories which suggest individuals have health conditions because of vaping despite the fact they previously smoked for many years or are dual users. These are just two examples but there are many more."


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What Happens When You Stop Smoking?

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