The E-Cigarette Summit USA is coming!

The E-Cigarette Summit USA is coming!
A HOST of experts in tobacco research and public health are set to speak at The E-cigarette Summit USA later this month
For the second consecutive year since launching in the US in 2017, the conference - which is held regularly in the UK - will take place in Washington DC on April 30th.
Registration for the event is now open and with tickets selling out fast, interested parties are urged to secure their places as soon as possible.
The event is considered to be particularly relevant to regulators and policy advisors, health care providers, tobacco researchers and medical professionals.
Prominent speakers include renowned industry personalities Attorney General of Iowa, Tom Miller, CEO of Action on Smoking and Health UK, Deborah Arnott, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at the Texas A&M School of Public Health, Amy Fairchild and well-respected public health expert Clive Bates.
Chaired by Professor Thomas Glynn, a varied and interesting day of debate and information-sharing kickstarts with a panel discussion about the FDA's plan for nicotine and tobacco, with an opening address by Mitch Zeller, director of FDA's Centre for Tobacco Products.
Since the inaugural US Summit in 2017, which welcomed 300 attendees, there have been a number of significant regulatory and public health developments in the US with vaping making global headlines daily.
With the single aim of reducing smoking-relating death and disease, the conference will look closely at those developments and set out to provide an evidence-based environment. Experts in their field will share the latest research and current data which will offer interested parties the opportunity to build their knowledge on the topic of vaping. It also gives attendees a platform to share their viewpoints, with "open and respectful" dialogue encouraged.
Topics to be addressed at this year's summit include:
This year's Summit will address, among other issues:
  • How should the evidence on e-cigarettes be communicated to the American public?
  • Is the current and proposed regulatory regime for e-cigarettes fit for purpose or does it need to be reformed and, if so, what needs to be considered to achieve maximum benefits for public health?
  • Are American youth experimenting with e-cigarettes more than other countries "what are the appropriate measures?"
  • How to encourage more smokers to move entirely away from combustible tobacco "what are the supportive actions?"
  • Current and future research priorities. "Why has tobacco harm reduction proved to be such a divisive issue" how can we improve dialogue and collaboration?
  • What are the significant similarities and differences between the PHE and the NASEM e-cigarette reports?
The summit will include presentations by renowned professionals who will share their latest research findings, encourages interaction through panel debates, questions, and discussions.
The conference's confirmed speakers include:
  • (Chair) Prof Thomas J. Glynn Adjunct Lecturer, Stanford Prevention Research Centre, Stanford University School of Medicine
  • (Opening Address) Mitch Zeller Director, FDA Centre for Tobacco Products, Silver Spring Maryland
  • Prof Robin J. Mermelstein -Professor of Psychology and Director, Institute for Health Research and Policy (IHRP), University of Illinois, Chicago
  • Matt Myers, President, Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
  • Laurent Huber, Executive Director ASH (US), FCA Ambassador, Framework Convention Alliance (FCA) for Tobacco Control
  • Prof Ann McNeill - Professor of Tobacco Addiction - UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies, (UKCTAS), Kings College London
  • Prof Nancy Rigotti - Director, Tobacco Research & Treatment Centre, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
  • Prof David Levy - Professor of Oncology, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Centre, Georgetown University
  • Prof Eric Donny - Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology, Wake Forest School of Medicine
  • Prof Hayden McRobbie - Clinical Director of the Dragon Institute for Innovation (NZ), Senior Medical Officer, Counties Manukau District Health Board
  • Prof Amy Fairchild - Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Texas A&M School of Public Health
  • Tom Miller, Attorney General of Iowa
  • Prof Lynn T. Kozlowski - Professor of Community Health and Health Behaviour, School of Public Health and Health Professions, University at Buffalo, SUNY
  • Deborah Arnott - Chief Executive, Action on Smoking and Health (UK)
  • Prof David Abrams - Professor, College of Global Public Health, New York University
  • Dr Lion Shahab -Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology, University College, London (UCL)
  • Prof Eric A. Feldman - Professor of Law, Professor of Medical Ethics & Health Policy, University of Pennsylvania Law School
  • Prof Neal Benowitz - Professor of Medicine and Bioengineering & Therapeutic Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, USA
  • Clive Bates, Director, Counterfactual
  • Prof K. Michael Cummings, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Sciences, Medical University of South Carolina
  • David Graham, Chief Impact Officer, NJOY
For more information and to register a place interested parties should go to The E-Cigarette Summit USA website.

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