Global Vaping Community Calls On WHO To Change Stance On Vape Bans

Global Vaping Community Calls On WHO To Change Stance On Vape Bans

A GLOBAL coalition of vaping industry groups has called on the World Health Organisation to change its stance on allowing vaping to be banned.

Advocacy groups from sixteen countries across North America, Europe, Asia and Australasia have joined forces to demand the public health agency reverse its stance, which allows some countries to make vaping illegal.

At present, while WHO recognizes vaping's potential for reducing smoking rates, the agency's tobacco control group contradicts it by allowing member states to ban vaping products outright, should they wish to, as part of a tobacco control plan.

Britain's largest vaping body, the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) is now leading a call to action to change its stance. Along with its fellow signatories, the UKVIA says WHO's position is at odds with certain member states, such as the UK and New Zealand, who promote e-cigarettes as part of a harm-reduction policy.

The group is now asking for WHO to align its guidance towards advocating the use of vaping as a way of quitting tobacco.

The action comes ahead of WHO's tobacco control group meeting in Geneva in early October to explore international guidance on electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) of which e-cigarettes are the most common example.

Lizi Jenkins, a member of the UKVIA, said: We and our international co-signatories are proud to stand up for vaping as a route for smokers seeking a less harmful alternative. We are keen to work with the UK delegation and the WHO to ensure that its policy decisions at the Geneva congress reflect the evidence and good common sense."

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